We carry an array of brass set gems, brass set jewels, brass set gemstones, brass set rhinestones in a variety of styles, shapes, colors and sizes. Brass set gemstones are gems that have been set into a type of brass setting which are used in beading, jewelry making, jewelry designing and as craft supplies for crafting projects. We provide unique brass set gems, brass set jewels, brass set rhinestones, brass set gemstones which date back to the 1960's until present to create a finished sparkle look in your designs. Wholesale rhinestones, vintage rhinestones, beading supplies, vintage brass set rhinestones, vintage brass set gemstones, vintage brass set jewels, vintage brass set gems.
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Great beads and beading supplies! Nice Vintage Beads Too!
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Speedy service and an excellent selection of product. I now have a source for repairing my precious jewelery. Thank you and I'll be ordering more
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